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  Updated: 10 May 2020


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Startpage > Products > Air Quality > Ionization > Electrostatic filt.

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Principle of electostatic filtration

The electrostatic filters in our air cleaning devices operate on the principle of electrostatic suppression, which produces an effect comparable to what happens when ion particles are exposed to attraction in a magnetic field.

The electrostatic filters in our air purifiers are composed of two different sections:

  • Ionization section

  • Capture section









    The ionization section gives the particles an electric charge (+).
    The capture section holds the previously charged particles in place.

    The action caused by the electrostatic filter takes place almost immediately and continues with increased efficiency.


    (TMC = Total Microbial Filtering)




    The killing effect of the mirobes caused by of the electrostatic filtration system depends on the fact that the micro organisms stick to dust particles with a diameter from 5 to 0.5 micron.

    The dust passes through the electrostatic filter, receives an electrical charge (+), transfers the charge to micro-organisms and all will be captured and retained (-).

    The study conducted researchers has led to the conclusion that the killing effect of the microbes is due to a physical action - the electrification.

    The phase of the ionization of the electrostatic filter delivers a quantity of energy equal to 6eV (eV = electron volts).


    What is an ion?
    When an atom receives an electron, a negative ion occurs (-).
    When an atom loses an electron,  a positive ion occurs (+).

    The creation of the ions and their neutralization by means of the "ionic exchange" is an electrical event that happens around us every day. It is part of our metabolic life.



    Positive ions and negative ions
    The balance between the positive and negative ions is strongly influenced by environmental conditions, construction materials, pollution and climate systems.

    The number of positive and negative ions which are naturally-produced by sunlight, wind, waves etc. exist in approximately equal proportions. Their quantity changes, depending on environment and location, eg. country or town. Normally you will find low values in closed and air conditioned spaces.


    The table shows the difference between the number of ions in different environments.


    E-mail: lars@fjellcom.se     

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